August 07, 2005

I Will Live On!

Drew posted the humor test, so I figured I'd post the Genghis Khan the Genghis Genetic Fitness Test.

61,690 descendants
- you're more genetically fit than 37% of the current population -

61,690. Not bad. You're no Mongol warlord, but to have that many copies of your genetic code running around 800 years from now is pretty impressive.

You're at the lower end of the scoring spectrum, but, honestly, when you consider that the cheaters, swindlers, and football players of this world are statistically best-equipped to create children, scoring low is something to be proud of. As you'll see below, some of your lines will die out, but nonetheless your genetic material will thrive here on earth for a long time to come.

So I'm no Genghis, but I will live on. How 'bout you? Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn!


Anonymous said...

I got the same response that you did but I was in the 149,000 range for descendants. The ladies must love my genes a lot more than yours, or we rape more, six of one half a dozen of another.


Anonymous said...

625,050 descendants. Aw shit. For my age group, I was more fit than 99% of the population. Bomb. I was in the 60 something-ith percentile. Word, Banana Alien, hit a sista up witcho' e-mail adde, bro.