From the party I went to last night. We'll start off with my awesome costume, to which manda owes considerable credit.

The Staff was really just a big stick…Anyway, it was capped by an elaborate headpiece with a carving of the sun at the top. What you had to do was take the Staff to a special map room in Tanis--it had the whole city laid out in miniature on the floor. When you placed the Staff in a certain spot in this room, at a certain time of day, the sun would shine through a hole here in the headpiece and then send a beam of light down here—to the map--giving you the location of the Well of the Souls...
yes i must say, it IS an aweomsetastic costume i came up with. too bad i was too poor/cheap/lazy to go do it myself. Manda
This costume cost $8 before tax. Even you are not that poor. You're just a lazy-ass biotch!
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