September 23, 2009

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Seriously, every time I think Glen Beck has revealed to us the full extent of his crazy, he finds a way to up the crazy one more time. At some point he's going to just murder some poor grandmother to make some insane point about death panels. Link.


royce said...

Might this be one of his stupid jokes?

Jason said...

That was not a stupid joke. He killed a frog on live TV and tried to play it off. Look at the frog trying to get away as he picks it up. Look at his face when the frog didn't jump, he is shocked. He fully expected that frog to jump out. He is full out crazy.

MosBen said...

To be fair, I've read online that he claims it was fake. Still, looks pretty convincing to me, and the last person I'm going to believe is Glen Beck, especially when he has a reason to try to cover his ass.

quickinfo said...

haha but it's still funny

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