I ran into this girl taking pictures of some of the Star Wars-themed cosplay people, some of which you can see behind her. She was, as you can see, somewhat underdressed for a Batgirl, but despite having her mask pushed up she was obviously in costume. When I asked her if I could take her picture (I was, afterall, collectin' 'em all) she freaked out, uh, in a good way. Evidently nobody was taking her picture, and as I've mentioned a primary reason for dressing up at these things is to have your picture taken, so she was super excited. So excited, in fact, that right after I took this picture she ran up to me and said, "You get a hug now!" as she hugged me.
After hearing this part of the story several people have alluded that I should have asked her out. Keep in mind that these people are seeing the version of the picture on my computer, which is much larger and more detailed than what you're seeing now. I've always been a bit skeptical the masks worn in comics, similar to what she's wearing here, but nobody seems to notice that she's sixteen years old, no more than a few more at maximum. She was a sweet kid though and this is easily one of my favorite pictures because more than so many people at Wizard World, she seemed to really be having a good time. Plus, unlike so many people at Wizard World, she didn't smell of cheese steaks and B.O.....

Seriously, the age of consent in NJ is 16, everything is O.K. You are a lawyer, you should know this shit.
Just because it's a bad idea doesn't make it a terrible one.
Manda, shut up.
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