My mom's backyard. December 2003.

The Staff was really just a big stick…Anyway, it was capped by an elaborate headpiece with a carving of the sun at the top. What you had to do was take the Staff to a special map room in Tanis--it had the whole city laid out in miniature on the floor. When you placed the Staff in a certain spot in this room, at a certain time of day, the sun would shine through a hole here in the headpiece and then send a beam of light down here—to the map--giving you the location of the Well of the Souls...
Pretty :).... except that it supposedly has poisen ivy :(
Poison oak, actually. And that's much further back; this was taken very close to the house (you can actually see a little piece of the back deck), and this part of the property gets used so regularly poison oak is killed when it first shows up. It's near the back deck, where no-one except the dogs go more than a couple times a year, that poison oak can really get started.
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