May 21, 2005

In which I write a sports-related post

Don't worry, I haven't been replaced by alien replicants from beyond the moon. Yet.

eleven-year-old little leaguer pitched a perfect game on Saturday in New York. I don't know shit about baseball, but I know this is impressive:

Her pitching on Saturday mowed down the opposing Yankees in an 11-0 shutout before a stunned crowd of about 100 parents and friends in the bleachers of the Oakfield Town Park.[...]

Her perfect game was even more perfect than the common definition of the term, which refers to a pitching performance in which every batter is turned back, either by striking out or hitting a ball that results in an out.

So, cool. Now read it again. This was a girl, pitching in little league, not softball. She plays with the boys. In fact, she's the only girl in her league. So what are people saying about this impressive young athlete?
The president of her league:

"I can't imagine being a boy that has to face her at the plate," said Eric Klotzbach, an engineer and the president of Katie's seven-team league in Genesee County. "It has got be a shot to the ego."

And the manager of her team:

He said players on other teams in the league might find it unnerving to be overpowered by a girl on the pitcher's mound, but that Katie's teammates "think it is great that she's on our side."

The original NYT article is here.

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