The Staff was really just a big stick…Anyway, it was capped by an elaborate headpiece with a carving of the sun at the top. What you had to do was take the Staff to a special map room in Tanis--it had the whole city laid out in miniature on the floor. When you placed the Staff in a certain spot in this room, at a certain time of day, the sun would shine through a hole here in the headpiece and then send a beam of light down here—to the map--giving you the location of the Well of the Souls...
Virginity is the sort of human version of Real Doll-ness in this case--it makes the woman a blank slate to have fantasies projected on without interference from knowing she had a sexual past, which sounds a little stupid, but remember, we're talking about men here who think women have nothing else to offer men to keep them around except sex.[...]
To tell women that we have to grind our subjectivity out and be walking fantasies of blank slate virginity to be marriagable is to say that men are incapable of loving women as human beings. Granted, sexists blame women for this, on the theory that women are loathsome and have to bribe men with sex. Still, if I were a man, I'd be wildly insulted, not only to be told that I need my partner to be a sort of human blank slate but also that I have the brain of a humpy dog and can be coerced into relationships I don't want with sex.
Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and author of The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature, argues that the humor divide is best understood as a result of sexual selection: Women are the choosier sex, and because they prefer funny men—a signal of cognitive fitness—men learned to deploy humor and wit to attract a mate and perhaps to outsmart other men.
Like most such laws in other states, Prop. 73 provides a court alternative: A minor could appear before a Superior Court judge and obtain permission for an abortion by showing, with clear and convincing evidence, that she is 'sufficiently mature and well-informed'' to make the decision on her own or that notifying a parent would not be in her best interest.
The hearing and the minor's name would be kept confidential, but the judge's decision would not. Prop. 73 would require each court to issue a public report once a year on how many abortion requests each judge has granted and denied.
Stan Devereux, spokesman for the Yes-on-73 campaign, said the purpose of the reporting requirement is to make judges accountable to the public.
"Given the politicized nature of abortion, shouldn't there be some kind of accountability to make sure that judges are doing their job rather than following their own ideology?'' he asked.
"As public officials, we are subject to evaluation by the public,'' said Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Nash, president of Juvenile Court Judges of California, whose members would conduct most of the hearings under Prop. 73. If a judge's abortion rulings became a campaign issue, he said, "that's really one of the hazards of being an elected public official.''
The other Prop. 73 provision that worries opponents is its definition of abortion as a procedure that intentionally causes "the death of the unborn child, a child conceived but not yet born.'' That differs from the current definition of abortion under state law as a "medical treatment intended to induce the termination of a pregnancy.''
Unlike his previous works, Schafer made Psychonauts a platforming game (think Mario/Sonic), probably precisely to up the action level a bit for those people too deficient in attention to think of themselves are a participant in a story as opposed to just some character that shoots stuff. The action's fine and all, and well executed for that matter, but if you're skipping the cut scenes in this game or choosing not to talk to the people you run into on your journies you're really missing what makes this game special. The thing that Schafer's games do that almost no other games out there do is make the world feel unique to itself. What's that you say? There's a new WWII shooter out there?! How original! There is literally no game quite like Psychonauts. Yes, it shares some basic fundamentals with other games of the genre but unlike so many of its (better selling) competitors there's nothing generic about Psychonauts.
[Miers' run to become the first female president of the Texas Bar] remained [lawyer and feminist Louise] Raggio's priority -- even though the two women had talked candidly about abortion on various social and professional occasions, according to Raggio. 'She thought it was murder,' Raggio says. 'I'm pro-choice, so it concerns me that's she been appointed to the Supreme Court, because her religion is so dominant. She'll vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.'
Others who know Miers personally -- including Texas conservatives -- are said to believe the same. On Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported on a conference call regarding Miers attended by James Dobson and prominent religious conservatives. Two conservative judges, Justice Nathan Hecht of the Texas Supreme Court, and Judge Ed Kinkeade, a Dallas-based federal trial judge, were also on the call. According to the Journal, both judges said that based on 'personal knowledge of her' they believed Miers 'absolutely' would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
I think we're at the biggest crossroads as a party we've been at since Ronald Reagan was nominated in 1980, and I think the party has to change fairly dramatically...
Cheap, paper-thin TV screens that can be used in newspapers and magazines have been unveiled by German electronics giant Siemens.
The firm says the low production costs could see the magazine shelves in newsagents come alive with moving images vying for the customers' attention as they move along the aisle.
The other aspect of this anti-feminism I encounter among my students is a disturbing refusal to see any sense of responsibility for and towards other women. Not all anti-feminist young women are selfish. But I have to admit that more than a few of the brighter ones, are alas, going through that depressing stage where they think the Fountainhead is the greatest book ever written, and Ayn Rand has become -- at least temporarily -- their hero. (Thankfully, they usually grow out of it. Lots of young men and women become captivated by the radical self-centeredness of objectivism in their teens and early twenties; most abandon it once they learn what it is to truly love another human being unconditionally.) Young women like this flatter themselves into believing that sexism is just an excuse used by unhappy and unsuccessful women to explain their failures; the Rand devotees insist, with an almost heartbreaking naivete, that in the modern world any young woman can succeed at anything she wants if she tries hard enough, and she can do so by herself. Women's failure to achieve happiness, they defiantly declare, is due to individual shortcomings only, and not to broader social problems.
The thing about the drive to have bigger houses and bigger cars for you dollar that's helping cause the suburbs to blow up (I don't imagine that's the only factor, but here in Austin it's certainly a biggie) is that I, like Jeanne, doubt very seriously that it's doing much to help people pursue happiness and in fact is probably working against them. I know that when the ex and I lived on the outskirts of Austin for a year--not even the suburbs really, just the city limits--we were getting to be pretty miserable. The traffic alone was a huge issue
The major center of crazy is what I like to call the Shit Maxim. The shit maxim presumes that we are in a shit-filled bathroom. Shit on the walls, shit on the sink, shit on the ceiling. When the person invoking the Maxim entered the bathroom, there was only shit in the toilet. Their answer? "Shit's shit, ain't it?"
It's why Bush can invoke this argument with a straight face.
"Some have also argued that extremism has been strengthened by the actions of our coalition in Iraq, claiming that our presence in that country has somehow caused or triggered the rage of radicals. I would remind them that we were not in Iraq on September the 11th, 2001 -- and al Qaeda attacked us anyway."
See, there was shit prior to Iraq, and there's shit after Iraq! Ignore the fact that the post-Iraq shit is pooling up around your waist - shit happens.
"I’m pro-consumer to the end on this one and anyone in my company that thought it was a bad idea for us to plug in Sony devices or Apple devices into this thing, I ended that conversation pretty quickly. This is the right thing to do for consumers. Once they’ve invested $500 into their digital media library you can’t ask them to go buy a 360 music player and a 360 digital camera. No! They’ve got their stuff. They’re going to want to plug it in. We want to be open here."Good stuff