October 25, 2005

The Next Quiz We Will All Take

Who doesn't like internet quizzes? Only the crazies, that's who! Anyway, today's question is, "Which Punctuation Mark Are You?"

It's a fun post, so here's a completely unrelated, but fun article. Apparantly those of us living in South Jersey need to watch for zombies coming from the ill-protected nearby west.

"Aight little man, let me tell you 'bout the days / When your favorite MC's had no major airplay / No video, car, crib, or large deals / Only a single got you city-wide appeal"


MosBen said...

I am a hyphen.

"You are comfortable around others. While you don't have to go out every night, yet you take pride in being easy to get along with. This should not, however, be misconstrued as believing (as many do) that you are without subtlety. In fact, you have the power to inform the anal retentive that, indeed, they are discussing an anal-retentive issue. Who else can do that? Quotation marks intimidate you a little bit."

Man, fuck the quotation marks!

Jenna said...

You scored 46% Sociability and 70% Sophistication!
Your life can be difficult because of your insecurities, but you should know that it isn't your fault. YOU didn't ask to be thrown in around thirty times per page in every bodice-ripper on the shelf! Those who overuse you can kiss your . . . you know. You need to learn to hold your head high and glory in your solitude. You really do have excellent, scholarly tastes. You must never forget that your friend, the period, will be there to support you at the end of every sentence where you truly belong, and, if what is left out is as important as what is said, why, then you are as vital as the alphabet!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm a colon.

"It doesn't bother you when people make anatomical jokes about you, because you're laughing right along with them. True, you cannot be called gregarious, but within your domain you're secure for a very simple reason: you know that nothing can ever replace you. You have a quiet confidence, and a love of simplicity. You should be a bit leery around the dash."

Anonymous said...

I am a quotation mark.

"There is a lot more to you than meets the eye. You certainly get plenty of "action," but you'd be happier if those who lusted after you were more selective. You hate being used as a general intensifier; haven't these people ever heard of underlining? Italics? And yes, you remember the cruel words Mr. Joyce directed at you. But you let none of this get you down; those who abuse you are destined for a "special" reward, sooner or later. You feel particularly warm toward periods, commas, exclamation points, and question marks, and usually wish to have them next to you. Parenthesis can sometimes trouble you."

Let it be written. Let it be done.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, left this part out: 57% sociability, 99% sophistication.

Well La Di Da, La Di Da!

Jason said...

Apparently I cannot take the test at work because there is nudity on the page somewhere, way to go Ben, you pervert.

Where is the article about the zombies, I need to know, we must defend ourselves from the hordes of the undead? I MUST BE INFORMED!!!!!!

MosBen said...

I don't think there's nudity, but there is a fake ad that has the word vagina in it. It's rather funny too.